Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Learn from a pie

I hereby share 3 idioms related to Pie, which I learnt from BBC English Learning site (a very nice language learning website Mars and I both fancy...interactive learning, oppurtunity learning, you can find them all there...).

1) It's as easy as pie (something is very easy)
2) Pie-eyed (drunk)
3) To have a finger in many pies (to be involved in lots of different activities)

These 3 idioms are the latest lesson from The Teacher. If you frequent BBC Learning English, you'll know him (The Teacher), a very funny guy who teaches english in a humourous way. We both like him, his funny slang and his extremely entertaining facial and body expressions. LOL~

Enjoy learning from a pie~ Go to the video site here--> The Teacher, Pie.


1 comment:

The Net Storey - Mars & Venus said...

Practise makes perfect. So here's Venus's homework on the pie idioms:

It's as easy as pie for Mars to fall asleep, but not so if you want to make him pie-eyed. One reason of this is he always has his finger in many pies, hence no time for an overnight drink at the pub---I mean you can't make him pie-eyed without drinking overnight~ LOL...