Monday, January 21, 2008

Learn Free Vocab & Give Free Rice

I came across this FreeRice website, first finding its fun over clicking on the correct definitions of the various english vocabs, then realising that by clicking all these, some free rice are given to some people who need them through the UN.

I was having fun playing with the vocabs and at some point of time I stopped to find out if this website is for true---does it really do what it advocates?

And wikipedia writes so:

FreeRice is a charity website where users play a vocabulary game in order to raise money to fight world hunger. FreeRice began on October 7, 2007. It was created by John Breen, a computer programmer from Bloomington, Indiana who also created and Breen invented the site, and typed in all 10,000 definitions, after observing his son study for the SAT.

In exchange for advertisements on the website, various sponsors donate the money necessary to pay for the rice and other costs to run FreeRice. The donations are distributed by the United Nations' World Food Programme (WFP). To date, the site's creator has given over $100,000 to the WFP. The WFP now encourages people to visit

Well...come along! Try the website and do charity while learning---what a good combination isn't it!


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