Friday, July 6, 2007

Pending 1 个月的 issue 终于 resolved 了


这两个星期真的是很忙,因为我的 Compensation Production system 有 Data discrenpancy 的 issue... 今天总算告一段落了。。。 Business user 决定 "bring it up to another level" 来解决!(就是说可能要搞大它 !不过已经不是我这个 level 可以解决的问题了,心情也放松了不少。)

Data discrenpancy 的问题对很多 IT 业者来说可能并不陌生,

在小公司里,如果system出了什么问题,你只要走去别的department, 问一问,查一查 database 可能不用半小时你就懂问题出在那里,谁在搞怪。

但是为什么我需要花上浆久来resolved 呢。。。

在这里可不是。。。 这里的IT 分得很细。 

IT 有 Supply Chain, Global Channel Partner IT, Network and Infrastructure, Business Intelligence ... etc 等等 IT division.

我是under Global Channel Partner IT Division , 里头还分 Partner Resource Management(PRM), Partner Channel Compensation(PCC), Partner Information (PIQ), 哈哈复杂吧?

我是属于Europe(EMEA) - PCC Level 4 的。

我的 system link with Business Intelligence 里的一个 appliction, 而这个 application 又link with Supply Chain 里的另外一个System, 所以当我发现问题时我必须慢慢trace... 这些application都在Europe, 而且来自不同的Division 和 Dept. 哈哈! email,电话, teleconfrence 来来往往就花不少时间。 而且 email,电话, teleconfrence 还不算 Official, 他们有时还要求你 Log A SERVICE call ! 问题会通过不同的 Level1, 2, 3, 4 一直传上去,有时候Level1的负责人在Europe, Level2的人在Russia, Level3 在 Germany, Level4 在UK (这是一个很烦琐的 ITIL Process,改次才详谈这个) 真吐血 哈哈!

花了2 个星期总算有结果了, 约了UK Business user 下午5点 teleconfrence, 老板给了一些意见和Instruction, 叫我也 send invitation 给他,我照做了, 原本以为老板会 join meeting, 谁知道last minutes 放飞机说:“ 你可以自己 go ahead 吗 ? “ Business User, Support lead 已经在telecon里了才叫我go ahead, 明显在 sabo 我 ! 

我之前刚进来这里时已经被这个 UK 的 business user 鸟过一次了,那时我email 给其他 IT department 时把他放在 CC list, 结果他回我:“ Do you think I got so many times to read your communication between you and the support staff... ! " 哈哈。 所以猜想这次我死定了。。。 。。。 硬着头皮敢敢来! 。。。 。。。结果非常意外 ! 

他说 ... ... don't get me wrong, I understand your situation, you are kind of stuck in between, I appreciated you drive the investigation ... really... I need an confirmation from XXX... ... I'll bring this up to XXX division let them decide what to do 。。。 !

庆幸他知道不是我不要帮他或者是我无能,这个data discrenpancy issue 真的是别的division 的问题,别人不能 resolve, 我也没办法。。。

所以 Pending 了两个星期 + Level 3 的两个星期, 总共花了一个月才把这个从来没有solve过的 issue 搞定了,好累!

结果晚餐到餐厅和 Venus 庆祝了一番 ! 哈哈! 




King Ung said...

wah, gong xi gong xi.

although your job seems to be very complicated. i can't understand it for the time being.

is level 3 a division of level 4 or vice versa?

Anonymous said...

That's a ITIL process management... for a system, let say u call to Maxis when your phone line got problem...

The one who pick up your call in Maxis maybe the Level 1 person help you to resolve your issue.
If Level 1 person can't resolve, he/she will pass to Level 2.

Normally Level 2 smarter than Level 1, they got thier knowlegebase system to track down the previous issue they hv solved.

If Level 2 still can't resolve, will pass to Level 3 and so on. Each higher level is more capable to resolve the issue.

In my company Level 4 is the highest level, it means ... "Die die must solved ! 4 in chinese sounds shi3 -> means 4 4 must solve !"

haha ... hope u get a little bit of idea.

Anonymous said...

Each division got many dept, each dept got 4 levels, some of them combine level2 and level3 together when lack of man power.

King Ung said...

ok, message received.

100% understand.