Monday, May 28, 2007

电视剧“幸福双人床”(Mars vs Venus)插曲——Would you be there by Redwan Ali

刚播完的“幸福双人床”,有一首非常好听的插曲,常常会在剧情高潮跌宕的时候播出,扣人心弦。因此特别找了来。Video里就是其中一对男女主角,看到帅帅的方展发(Pierre Png)吗?

Redwan Ali是新加坡作曲家,看名字应该是马来人吧。这首歌歌词如下:

If I were blue,
would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears that's okay,
Would you stand by me,
let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.

If I feel good,
would you slow dance with me,
And touch my lips with tender love and care
Would you die for me,
would you run with me,
And never look back..

#Would you be there to love,
to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?#

Repeat #

Would you be there..

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